Talking at the UN General Gathering’s significant level gathering on Wednesday, he said, “Let me be immediate about the opposition between the US and China. As we oversee moving international patterns, the US will behave as a sensible pioneer.”

“We don’t look for struggle. We don’t look for a Virus War. We request that no country pick either the US or some other accomplice”, he said.

Yet, the US will “be shameless in advancing our vision of a free, open, secure, and prosperous world,” he added.

With pressures ascending among Beijing and Taipei, particularly after US Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the island in August, Biden said, “We look to maintain harmony and dependability across the Taiwan Waterways.”

He repeated Washington’s obligation to “‘One China’ strategy, which has forestalled struggle for quite a long time. Also, we keep on restricting one-sided changes in the state of affairs by one or the other side”.

He additionally censured Beijing’s nuke program, saying “China is directing a phenomenal, concerning atomic development with no straightforwardness”.

He said that Washington was participated in “new, productive ways of working with accomplices to progress shared interests” and was “raising” the Quad – a gathering of India, the US, Australia and Japan in the Indo-Pacific”.

In a dig at Beijing’s projects, for example, the “One Belt, One Street” drive and others for framework programs that have prompted serious financial issues for nations like Sri Lanka, Biden attempted to balance them with Washington’s.

He said that the US offers nations “ventures that are planned not to encourage reliance, but rather to mitigate weights and assist countries with becoming independent; organizations not to make political commitment, but rather on the grounds that we know our own prosperity – every one of our prosperity is expanded when different countries prevail too”.

“With accomplices in the Americas, Africa, Europe, and the Center East, and the Indo-Pacific, we’re attempting to fabricate another financial environment while – where each country – each country has a fair chance and monetary development is versatile, feasible, and shared.

Iran President Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi, who talked before Biden, said Teheran was prepared to get back to the atomic arrangement it had gone into with the five extremely durable individuals from the Security Board, Germany and the European Association pointed toward keeping it from creating atomic weapons.

The US had singularly disavowed it during Donald Trump’s administration liberating Iran from its commitments under the arrangement known as the Joint Extensive Game plan (JCPOA).

Be that as it may, Iran keeps on confronting devastating approvals from the US and the West.

Raisi expressed that there is a “serious will” to acknowledge another atomic arrangement yet expressed that there ought to be a responsibility that it won’t be renounced once more.

Biden said that the US was “ready for a shared re-visitation of the Joint Thorough Strategy assuming Iran moves forward to its commitments”.

Be that as it may, he proclaimed, “the US is clear: We won’t permit Iran to procure an atomic weapon”.