Since the sequel was last spoken of in 2011, lead designer Michel Ancel has remained frustratingly silent - until now. Ancel posted what is presumably concept art for Beyond Good and Evil 2 on his Instagram page yesterday, which you can see for yourself below:

Some fans have taken Ancel’s post as confirmation that Beyond Good and Evil 2 is on its way - and they’re probably right. Alongside his artwork, Ancel wrote a conspicuous “thank you” to Ubisoft “for making this possible.” Buckle up - we may have a big announcement headed our way.

For those who missed the original game, you aren’t alone. Beyond Good and Evil was a flop in terms of sales, yet it was critically acclaimed upon its release in 2003. It received numerous awards from critics, and has since become a cult classic - remembered for its gorgeous visuals, dark and captivating story, and innovative gameplay.