Tokyo is shrouded in a mysterious fog from which emerge all manner of yokai bent on capturing the souls of the city’s inhabitants. Akito, Ghostwire’s protagonist, somehow manages to avoid getting caught up in the fog, but that leaves him with another problem – or two, to be more precise. The spirit of an enigmatic man named KK is living inside him now, and the monsters roaming Tokyo want him dead.

The spirit is more than a passive observer, though. He grants Akito supernatural abilities ranging from control over fire and air to manifesting a set of wires that rips the spiritual cores from the monsters roaming the city. There’s also a set of special weapons Akito can find for times when KK vanishes and leaves him to survive on his own.

Your goal is cleansing the numerous Torii gates around the city to dispel the fog and, hopefully, find an answer to the problems plaguing the city.

Ghostwire Tokyo may be a paranormal adventure, but Tango Gameworks’ development team said one of their guiding goals when creating the game was creating an “authentic” Tokyo. The city’s visual design is only part of that. Tango’s designers and sound producers incorporated influences ranging from Ukiyo-e’s blockworks to Babylon Tokyo comics and traditional Japanese music to infuse Ghostwire with that sense of authenticity.

Akito can call on Tengu to propel himself into the air and traverse the city with ease. He’ll store the recovered souls of Tokyo’s lost citizens in paper dolls, though as to what he can do with them, you’ll have to wait until our Ghostwire Tokyo preview coverage goes live soon. We’ll have more in store for you then, so check back soon.