Ranged weapons, such as bows and muskets, play an important role in PvP, but some of the melee weapons, such as hatchets and swords, can also come in very handy during close combat situations.

The Best New World PvP Builds

Spear/Bow Build

Combining close and ranged combat with damage control is a real winning strategy in New World PvP. This build will also do really well during the dungeon raids.


Soulforged Spear (for damage buffs and debuffs on enemies) Perforate Sweep Vault Kick Warpwood (for increased headshot and bleed damage) Poison Shot Penetrating Shot Evade Shot

Stat Allocation


Armor and Accessories

Best Armor: Harbinger Set Amulet of Seven Seasons Reflected Mayhem Signet of the Swamp

Sword/Hatchet Build

Do not underestimate tanks in PvP. You can take a lot of damage and not even wince. This build lets you put out damage quite well, too.


Pit Lord Dominator (for high critical damage and survivability) Shield Rush Defiant Stance Leaping Strike The Confidant (for increased bleed damage, survivability, and luck) Berserk Feral Rush Infected Throw Rook’s Defense (shield for increased protection)

Stat Allocation


Armor and Accessories

Best Armor: Voidbent Set Scorpian Stone Doom’s Chance Earring Demon’s Oracle Signet Ring

Spear/Musket Build

This build is designed specifically for 50v50 PvP matches, where musket plays the role of the main weapon.


Javelin of Dryadic Empowerment (for high critical damage) Javelin Sweep Vault Kick Overseer’s Regret (for increased headshot damage and survivability) Powder Burn Shooter’s Stance Traps

Stat Allocation


Armor and Accessories

Best Armor: Voidbent Set Malachite Orb Reflected Mayhem Band of Obligations

Hatchet/Spear Build

Here is an example of a well-balanced PvP build with medium heavy armor, increased damage, and crowd control.


Axe of the Abyss (for increased heavy damage and critical hit chance) Feral Rush Rending Throw Berserk Anarchy (for increased bleed damage and luck) Skewer Vault Kick Sweep

Stat Allocation


Armor and Accessories

Best Armor: Corrupted Rage Set Scorpian Stone Signet of the Swamp

Sword/Musket Build

Light and mobile with enough damage and protection, this build will handle almost any situation in PvP with power and grace.


Seeker of Secrets (for higher constitution and damage to ancients) Shield Bash Shield Rush Defiant Stance Anarchy (for increased dexterity and speed of movement) Traps Powder Burn Stopping Power Stability of the Mountain (shield for increased protection)

Stat Allocation


Armor and Accessories

Best Armor: Marauder Commander Brigand Set Orichalcum Ranger Amulet of the Ranger Hoop of Hooter’s Watch

Sword/Spear Build

This build is made to last! If you want to have highly durable and sustainable character in PvP, then try out this build for longer match-ups.


Desecrated Sword (for high critical damage and critical hit chance) Leaping Strike Shield Bash Defiant Stance Spear T5 (for increased critical damage) Sweep Javelin Vault Kick Lazarus Watcher Round Shield (shield for increased protection)

Stat Allocation


Armor and Accessories

Best Armor: Warmaster Set Invasion Amulet War Earring Outpost Ring

Life Staff/War Hammer Build

Healers are just as important in PvP as in PvE. This build is designed for duo or group PvP match-ups.


Divine Devotion (for increased healing) Sacred Ground Beacon Orb of Protection Life Breaker (for debuffs and reduced cooldowns) Clear Out Shockwave Path of Destiny

Stat Allocation


Armor and Accessories

Best Armor: Marauder Commander Cleric Set Oracle’s Amulet Misty Kismet Charm Archmagister’s Piscatory Ring

Those are the best PvP builds for New World MMORPG. If you were looking for the PvE builds, then check out the dedicated guide right here.